In today’s world of “instant” everything, when you can send information to anyone from any of your mobile devices, I would like to propose that a custom from the past should be maintained, not sacrificed to the world of “instant”… and that is the art of the personal, hand-written note of appreciation.
Ask yourself, “when was the last time I picked up a pen and expressed appreciation for a job well done? or last sent someone (a client, a friend, a relative) a note to thank them for inviting you to a dinner party, a wedding, a bridal shower, or a graduation party?”
It’s easier, certainly, to send a text message, but the memory of that text message is short-lived; a handwritten note is a physical reminder that you took the time to write something to express your gratitude. Very often, that hand-written note will remain on their desk (or kitchen counter) for a number of days or even weeks to come.
I make a habit of penning a thank you note to our clients, generally within 24 hours following their event, to express our appreciation for their patronage and also to ask them to keep us in mind when they get ready to plan their next event.
You might be surprised to learn how many times those clients will mention how pleased they were to be thanked.
I find it helpful to have a supply of note cards, along with stamps, in a convenient spot on my desk … plus, I now write reminders in my Google calendar to make sure that I have written notes of appreciation that week.
I know it means a lot to our friends and clients to be thanked, why not try it yourself? I believe you’ll be glad you did.